Sunday, May 9, 2010

Take a Hike!

Everybody knows that common saying, "Take a Hike". This simply implies that you should go take a walk! Even if it's just by the nearby park, or the mall, just take some time to breathe in the fresh air, and see the surroundings around you.

Why is it so common for people to say that? Staying at home for the rest of your lives could be bad, no sunlight, means no energy, and no energy means no inspiration. Nowadays, we do have the internet, and basically everything is in there, but what harm can a breath of fresh air do to you? Let it refresh you, and take time to appreciate what is around you.

Being at home won't help if you're at a loss for ideas, you stare outside your window and see the neighbor's cat, some kids walking home, and maybe even the nice old lady next door almost ramming down your lamp post (well, it depends where you live). The point is that, there isn't much to see inside the house, there is nothing new, and could be quite boring. If you are busy in your home, got a lot of chores to do, and probably taking care of the children in your house, just make a few arrangements for yourself, and get out of the house.

Get in touch with nature, visit a local coffee shop, take your kids for a walk, drive around Las Vegas if you want. An idea can come at any moment, you could just be sitting at the park bench and see a vandalized tree, and it brings you back to a moment in your life you have forgotten. Maybe even if you overhear a conversation in the mall (I'm not telling you to go around and listen to other people's conversation), it could strike up an idea for a book!

Example 1:

Girl 1: Hey, what are we going to do about that science project?
Girl 2: Oh you mean the one about Blastocysts?
Girl 1: Yeah.
You: (Hmm.. wonder what that is)
You: *Gets home, searches it up on google, becomes highly interested, comes up with an idea for a new story based on Blastocysts.

Example 2 (without the whole overhearing part):

You: *Skipping down the road, trips on a rock, sees a squirrel far ahead, stands up, sees a funny looking formation on tree. (Hmm... That will be a good symbol for a long lost civilization)
Me: Congratulations! You just found a good idea you could build on!

My exact point is that, if you found yourself dreading to find an idea or inspiration, and you found yourself staying at home all through those times, try taking a walk anywhere. An idea, or inspiration can come up at any time. I am not saying that staying at home is bad, but if you really do find yourself in that kind of situation, TAKE A HIKE!

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